Last night was the night of the weblog meet in Bath.
As I mentioned in the comments, none of the rogue elemants turned up, and this was good as I had been worried that Mr Ivanakowski would turn up with a herd of cattle, some bikers, and with a pig under his arm and the horrible, rude Mr Swipe, and we would all get thrown out of the pubic house.
Unfortunatley Farmer Giles, who seems like an old fashioned country gentleman, could not attend because his uncle's cock has died. If he reads this, I hope he realis's that all our thoughts go out to him and his uncle.
However, everything went very well and many of the people from the Tears For Fears EXTREME forum turned up and I have not enjoyed myself so much for years!
There is so much to tell you, but I will leave it untill later to tell you something momenouos that happened, because I am not very well today and have a headache.
You've got a headache have you?
Try some of that primal scream works wonders for my migraines.
Mr Ivanschowski, even the primel scream therapy has not helped. I have had a full English breakfast and now feel a little better and will now listen to The Hurting by Tears For Fears and do some medetation, which is very healing.
Thank you for your kind thoughts, Glenda.
I hope the soothing sounds of TFF will have you up and about in no time.
Colin told me about some old bint matching your description taking up residence in the ladies loo of the pub and accepting 'all comers'...I don't know what he meant by that.
Farmer Giles - thank YOU for your kind thoughts. You are truely an old fashioned country gentleman.
Thank you, I am feeling much better now and "Tears For Fears" music is always heeling.
Mr Ishanowskey - I am not an old bint as you discribe me, and I am sure that Colin was not in a fit state to decide if it was me who was in the ladies toilets. What was he doing in there any way?
That's what I'd like to know, Glenda.
Perhaps you should ask him?
I feel obliged to reply to defend myself!
I must admit to getting "rather jolly" as it were, at last week's gathering of we Tears For Fears obsessives! I did indeed visit the Ladies' conveniences, but only to retrieve my wife Eileen's handbag. She had left it there after falling unconscious because she had been getting "rather jolly" after one too many Snowballs!! Nothing untoward happened as far as I am concerned but I can't comment on others in our party!
Give my love to Mrs Hugget.
Shit!! WINKing KITTen!!!!!
Dang, dang and triple dang.
Mind you - nice drop of Scruttocks in the Wanking Mitten.....
The Winking Kitten is visitid by people from all around Avon and Somerset because if the quality of its draught Cherry B. I certainly like to knock back on a few on the rare occassions I am in there!
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